35 Steps to a successful Writing Day


It’s really hard to find the muse to write. After spending some time getting to know myself as a writer and NaNoWriMo pushing me to write more, I’ve come up with a formula for making the most out of your writing day.

Follow these steps explicitly and you’ll be the next J. K. Rowling.


1. Play video games

2. Watch T.V.

3. Walk the dog

4. Do some research

5. Browse Twitter

6. Take a shower

7. Vacuum

8. Look for pie recipes

9. Go grocery shopping

10. Balance check book

11. Debate politics on facebook

12. Bake said pie

13. Do laundry

14. Text friends

15.  Wash Dishes

16. Fold Laundry

17. Watch more T.V.

18. Brainstorm a project you'll never do

19. Tweak your website layout

20. Move your PC because of glare

21. Use the bathroom

22. Clean the bathroom

23. Eat some pie

24. Download productivity app

25. Browse Reddit

26. Go for a second slice of pie

27. Watch YouTube

28. Call friends

29. Go to a bar

30. Talk about your book to a random stranger

31. Drive home to talk radio

32. Check Twitter

33. Watch Netflix

34. Write 139 words

35. Go to bed

Let me know if this works for you!


Jim Wilbourne
Creative: Authoring Tall Tales & Crafting Compelling Soundscapes

Star Wars Episode VII & Jurassic World Trailers!


NaNoWriMo 2014